Positive Rewards
Food isn’t meant to be a reward, it’s just not. Many of us including myself grew up with that thought surrounding our heads. You could only eat if you worked out before, or you could only have that last bite of brownie if you did well on your math test.
Though I did believe that for quite some time, looking back on that it is complete nonsense. Food is literally our fuel, it’s the same as filling up your car with gas. What makes food so different? And how can we replace that reward system in our brains?
Last weekend I took a girl’s trip w 7 of my best friends. I never really have let myself really lean into my friends and have fun in quite some time. But this weekend felt different. It felt like I was free and it felt just so normal. I ate what I wanted, I didn’t restrict, and I really enjoyed life. I made memories that will last a lifetime and some were even surrounding food. I didn’t let my ed take over my weekend with friends. I didn’t let it ruin this trip like it has for so many. I ate a burger and a dog for dinner that Sunday night THEN had DD (double dessert). I had that because I wanted to not because I was restricting all day and “earned a reward” but because I was honoring my cravings and ate whatever the fuck I wanted.
i know that the whole self care thing is super cheesy but it genuinely is a big part of recovery. Self care doesn’t always have to be washing your face or doing your hair. The other week was hard for me (before the trip). I was falling back into old habits, I was getting triggered easily. But I decided to not let my bad week destroy my self care of going away with friends. Self care can look like my example of going out with friends but it could also be hanging out with your dogs, listening to your favorite song, or going for a late night drive. Self care doesn’t always have to be the basic things. Whatever you need in the moment can be called self care.
So treat yourself, spend that extra $50 on the shirt you have been wanting for months, go get your nails done at the nice place. Maybe even take yourself out to lunch. Giving yourself non-food-related rewards can be such a powerful thing. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Go live it baby!